Wednesday, November 10, 2010

NPC from Indonesia

Dear Prof. Teo,
How do yo do. I found your site through internet searching. y name is Su. My brother is running radiotherapy (RT) on his NPC now (still half way to go of total 33 sessions).

Earlier before he underwent RT, a biopsy showed he had Carcinoma cells squamosa non-keratinnous, less differenciation, nasopharyngeal.

I don't think he will stand for chemotherapy should they upgrade his therapy after this 33's RT. I believe it's better for him to consumes TCM / Herbal Tea during his RT and for daily treatment. Do you have any suggestion according to his health issues.

Well, because of side effect of RT. It's hard for him to talk and swallow. He suffer dry mouth, headache and others side effect now.

Very need your help and pray. Thank you very much Prof. Teo.

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