Friday, April 9, 2010

Blackberry Message in Indonesia

Hi there,

Since the past 3 days I've received about 20 messages that sound like this:

"Temen2 yg punya saudara ato kenalan yg sakit kanker?? Mau menolong mereka? Kalau sdh hopeless jgn putus asa. Sudh bnyk org yg sembuh walaupun sudh stadium lanjut. Buka website Dr. Chris Teo di penang malaysia sdh bnyk menymbuhkan penderita kanker. Dgn terapi herbal. Tolong forward.. "

Looks like someone already gain benefit from your herbal. Glad to know that your herbal therapy is trusted by people here. Congratz prof. Keep going with u'r research so it can help ca patients.



The above is an email I received from a medical doctor from Indonesia. He carries a Blackberry. I don’t know the significance of the above until Pak Nias from Nias Island of Indonesia came today to our cancer and excitedly told me the same story. He received a message in his cell phone. Apparently owners of the Blackberry share interesting and important information among themselves and the message of the past few days is about CA Care. For those who cannot read Indonesia … roughly this is what the message is all about:

“ Friends who have relatives or know of those with cancer? Want to help them? Even if it is a hopeless case, don’t give up. Many people have been cured --- even when the cancer was at its advanced stage. Visit the website: Dr. Chris Teo in Penang, Malaysia has cured many cancer patients with herbal therapy. Please forward.”

I am sorry I have no control on what people write to each other in their hand phones.

One correction here: Chris does not cure anybody – our motto: Our hands but God heals.

For those who are blessed and found their healings – please lift up your eyes unto the Heavens and thank God the Almighty.

For your info, Chris Teo does not have a hand phone and he does not how to use one either. This is my choice and I prefer not to carry one around.

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