Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chemo and Radiotherapy: Severe Pains and Breathing Difficulty

SY 081 is a female diagnosed with a 4 x 6 cm lung tumour. The cancer had probably spread to the brain. She underwent chemotherapy with Alimta and Carboplatin followed by radiation.

On 1 September 2010, we received this fax: SY has been having severe gastric/ abdominal pains in the past few days. Currently she is undergoing radiotherapy. The gastric pains came on after six chemos. I told her husband that this could be due to the toxicities in the GI tract. Now she has breathing problems after nine radio. What can we give her for the abdominal pains?

Reply: Radiotherapy and chemotherapy damage the lining of the guts. Breathing problem – same experience by a patient from Jakarta. After two radio – he couldn’t breathe. Don’t give her any herbs. If she dies, they are going to say that it is the herbs that kill her not the chemo or radio.

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