Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cancer of cervix that spread to the stomach

Dear Dr. Chris,

First of all I would like to introduce myself. I'm Hes, from Indonesia. I realize that it is impolite for me to say you via email, and you might be very busy having to check the email, but I couldn't meet you directly at this moment, and I have no other choice, as I feel I have to get your advise urgently for my mother condition.

My mother is 50 years old. In July 2008 she got a very bad bleeding. We brought her to hospital and the doctor here said my mother got Cervical Cancer stage 2B. At that moment the doctor suggested a surgery and take out the whole cervix. After surgery, my mother had a test again and found there were still cancer cells and this should be followed by radiotherapy, 3 times.

After radiotherapy, the doctor said it's okay now. But only after 3 months (October 2008), my mother got cancer again. It grew in her stomach. Again my mother had a surgery to take out that cancer, and at that moment the doctor said he put something like "net" in her stomach, to replace an original net in her body that have to be cut during the surgery.

But again, only after 1 and half month (mid December 2008), my mother got a cancer again in her stomach and up to her ovaries. The doctor now confused because the process was too fast, as actually my mother should be still in Healing Process.

I definitely desperate to hear the doctor, and now he just gave my mother healing pain PIL and inform my mother should follow chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Now my mother is in bad condition, but she don't want to have a surgery or chemo again, as that therapy make her condition worst.

FYI, my mother CA 125 is 258, this is quite high right?

Dr., my mother now could only hope that God will save her, and during that I will try my best to get a best treatment for my mother. Hope that you could give me a little of your valuable time to read my message. Thanks & regards.

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