Friday, June 4, 2010

Very Bad TB? No, I can't help

Hi Dr Chris,

I have a friend who was diagnosed with a multi resistant virus from the TB family recently. The virus is attacking and causing multiple holes to his lungs. The doctor said that it is a very rare disease. Only 3 Singaporeans get it in a year. And the doctor told my friend that he is at the final line of combating this disease. So far, there hasn't been any successful survivor. He has to receive 3 injections daily with other oral medications. All these drugs are weakening and causing lots of pain and aches to his entire body. The doctor is only giving him another 3 years of lifespan. He also warned my friend that he could collapse and die any moment if his immunity is too weak to fight the virus.

I desperately need to seek your advice on this. Do you think you can help him? My friend is willing to fly up to Penang to see you if needed.

B, Singapore

Sorry B --- I cannot help him because I only know cancer --- every other things, I don't know.

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