Friday, February 19, 2010

Colon-Liver Cancer from UK

This is an email from England.

Started with diarrhorea over quite some time and then in October 2009 a feeling of pain (and small lump)on the right side of abdomen and sweating up the back when exerting.

End of December 2009 colonoscopy biopsies taken then a CT scan in early Jan 2010.

Operation to remove large malignant tumour 20 January 2010. Cancer had spread to the liver.

Offering no proposed medical treatment apart from steroids in short term and pain killers.

My reply
Dear T,
Thanks for your email. Steroids and painkillers would not be the answer ... but that possibly is what modern medicine can offer after surgery.

I wonder if you have read all what I have written in the website – the therapy and what it involves – your commitment, diet restriction, taking of not-pleasant-tasting herbs, etc.

Besides the herbs cost some money. Generally people writing from the US or UK are used to receiving free medical treatment and they expect CA Care to provide everything for free. Unfortunately, we don't have the resources to do that even if we would like to help everyone.



  1. keep up the good works brother

    praise the Lord.

    sola gratie, sola fide, sola scriptura

  2. Hi Dr Chris Teo, thank you for A day with Chris Teo. enjoy and rejoice.
